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ITCL Holding

We are a worldwide long-term investor with a clear goal in our hearts and our sights set on the future.

We create opportunities by making smart, value-driven investments businesses’ economies’ and bring forth unparalleled support to growth, communities’ development, and expansion.



Our values

Our values help define how we work, our ambitions, and how we manage change and growth.

They set us apart from each other in a positive way and serve as a moral compass to guide us through the dilemmas that  every enterprise faces from time to time.

Integrity and trustworthiness

We do what we say and say what we mean.

We are honest, open, and transparent with each other and our partners. We expect the same from each other. Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.


We respect our colleagues and partners.

We recognize that each person has a different perspective and contributes something unique to the team. Our values are powerful and important, but they cannot be a substitute for good decision-making.

They are guidelines to help us make better decisions and manage change in an increasingly complex world.


We strive for excellence in all that we do.

We are committed to delivering the very best outcomes and results, whatever it takes. We are uncompromising in our pursuit of perfection. Innovation and creativity. We constantly innovate by looking for new ways of doing things better and faster. We are constantly striving to be better. We strive for excellence in our work, our relationships, and ourselves. We do not settle for the status quo; we challenge each other to do things better every day.

Our Impact

We are globally diversified and proudly invest in long-term value creation.

By enriching lives, building stronger communities, and creating lasting value.

We have enabled the development of essential capabilities through financial, innovation and advisory support.

We support innovative companies that positively impact societies and provide solutions to the most pressing problems.

Our sectors & Initiatives


How we invest

Our fact-based strategies and strong governance models drive our investment approach, aimed at achieving long-term growth. We concentrate on important factors and identify businesses with the potential for long-term success.

Our investment philosophy is guided by three principles:

  1. Invest in businesses with competitive advantages and high returns on capital.
  2. Focus on key factors: management quality, earnings growth, return on invested capital, valuation, and cash flow generation.
  3. Diversify across industries, geographies, and business types to minimize correlated risks.

This approach emphasizes long-term growth, enabling us to foresee future company performance beyond today’s headlines.

Long-term orientation

Focus on long-term business fundamentals. Develop long-standing relationships with stakeholders.

Value-driven investing

Act in accordance with our values. Has sound governance, which provides strong accountability.

Global Operations

Invest across industries worldwide, which offer valuable insights and perspectives.

Collaborative and Committed Partnerships

A world with like-minded and skilled partners. Nurture enduring partnerships. Add value through our experience and wide network.

Our Partners

Our Clients

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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